Happy Spring Festival 2025
2025 Spring Festival holiday will come soon . Wish everyone happy & healthy . Thanks for all of your support ...
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Happy new year to everyone !
Happy new year to everyone ! Wish everything goes well for all of you ! ...
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Iapack in PACK EXPO 2024 Chicago USA ! We are waiting for your here !
NOVEMBER 3 – 6, 2024 | Chicago, ILLINOIS, USA IT’S EVERYTHING YOU NEED The packaging and processing industry is constantly changing, so attending PACK EXPO International is the best way to stay current and competitive. Explore the latest innovations from 2,600 exhibitors ...
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RosUpack 2024—Iapack standnummer: B8055
RosUpack-----28TH INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION FOR THE PACKAGING INDUSTRY ANHUI IAPACK MACHINERY CO.,LTD Booth number :B8055 JUNE 18—21, 2024 Moscow, Crocus Expo, Pavilion 2, Halls 5, 7, 8 and Pavilion 3, Halls 14, 15 ...
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Endnu en ny ZL100V2 automatisk murstensvakuumposedannende fyldeemballagemaskine vil være klar
Recently, a new vacuum packaging machine of our company is about to be completed and debugged. This vacuum packaging machine mainly uses vacuum packaging of 250 grams of coffee powder. According to the designed output, the speed of ...
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Ønsker jer alle en glædelig forårsfest!
Dear customer: Thank you for your support and trust in iapack over the past year. In the new year, I wish you all the best. Safe and smooth We will continue to provide you with more stable and cost-effective packaging ...
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Mursten vakuumpose emballeringsmaskine
The key product from Anhu Iapack Machinery is automatic brick type vacuum bag packaging machine .This machine is special design for packaging various powder material such as coffee powder ,Wheat flour ,dry yeast and Biological enzyme preparations and so on ...
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Hjerteligt velkommen udenlandske kunder til at besøge vores virksomhed for at inspicere sekundært presseudstyr
In this cold winter of 2023, on the second day after the snow, our dear customers came to our company to visit the secondary packaging machine with sincere enthusiasm. The customer was serious and professional and highly recognized our secondary ...
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Iapack på Eurasia Packaging Exhibition Turkey 2023
During 11th-14th Oct 2023.Anhui Iapack had go to Turkey joined the Eurasia packaging exhibition Turkey . This exhibition is special holding for packaging product .The main exhibitioner like packing film ,warpping film ,packing box ,Tray ,packaging machine ,Forming machine etc ...
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Lad os mødes i 2023 – Eurasia Packaging Istanbul Fair
Packaging industry is set to gather for new business connections in Istanbul between October 11-14, 2023 The Eurasia Packaging Istanbul Fair -the largest annual fair and business platform of the packaging industry in the Eurasia region- will be held for ...
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Automatisk murstensposedannende fyldningsforseglingsetiketteringsemballagemaskine
One set automatic brick bag forming filling sealing labeling packaging machine is ready for delivery . This machine widely use for packaging wheat flour ,grains ,Pasta into flat bottom bag with top labeling .The whole system including product feeding machine ...
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15KG Træpiller vejning påfyldning af sække Palleteringslinje er klar til levering
Wood fuel is increasingly emerging as a fuel market. Wood pellets are processed from recycled waste wood cardboard boxes and other materials. As a flame retardant, it is becoming more and more popular. Recently, our company has completed a ...
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Teambuilding i foråret 2023—–Anhui Iapack
As a packaging machinery supplier, Anhui Iapack has always maintained a high degree of enthusiasm and vigorous corporate vitality. In the beautiful spring of 2023, all employees of Anhui Iapack carried out the team building activities in 2023. In the ...
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Automatisk fladbundspose med øverste klistermærkepose, der danner fyldningsforsegling til emballageindpakning, bestilles af vores kunde
Et sæt automatisk topklistermærkepose, der danner påfyldningsforseglingsemballage og indpakningslinje til 1 kg korn, bestilles af vores armenske klient 。 Hele linjen inklusive et sæt vffs-posedannende påfyldningsforseglingsmaskine én sæt-top-klistermærkepose ...
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Rejs til Thailand og besøg kundefabrikken
Rejs til Thailand og besøg kundefabrikken I løbet af den 10.-20. marts var Iapack salgschef Miss Wendy taget til Thailand for at besøge vores Thailandske kunde. På de første to dage tager Miss wendy et kig på VIV Asia ...
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Ét sæt automatisk 1-3,5 kg vaskemiddelpulverpakkemaskine klar til levering.
Der er et sæt automatisk vaskemiddelpulverpakkemaskine, der er klar til levering til vores kunde. Denne maskine inkluderer et sæt lineær vejemaskine og et sæt lodret posedannende fyldemaskine og en sæt vægtdetektor ...
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februar 2023
I februar 2023 havde vi tilbud på 6 sæt pakkemaskine til indenlandsk kunde til pulverpakkemaskine Og vi var færdige med to sæt automatisk vakuummurstenspose pakkemaskine. Et er til 1000 gram korn og bønner. Og et sæt er ...
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2023 Vi kommer!
Kæmp for 2023! Vi vil fortsætte med at levere produkter af høj kvalitet og rettidig og professionel service til nye og gamle kunder i det nye år. I emballageindustrien vil vi være mere bedre. I det nye år, Anhui ...
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automatisk lille taske pakning i stor doy bag
Vi har to enheder roterende færdiglavet doy bag emballeringsmaskine, der begynder at køre på vores kundefabrik. Hele linjen kan automatisk danne den lille pose og fylde med 30 gram boghvedemel. Overfør derefter den lille pose til vejemaskine ...
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Gode nyheder! ny automatisk et vakuumkammer murstensposedannende fyldemaskine klar til levering
Vores klient fra Iran havde bestilt et sæt automatisk murstensvakuumposedannende fyldeemballagemaskine til 250 gram kaffepulver. Og følg kundens krav, vi havde malet vakuumkammeret til at være rød farve som advarsel. Nu er maskinen...
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Automatisk vakuumpakkemaskine til tørgær
Gode nyheder ! Der er endnu en enhed, automatisk vakuumpakkemaskine, der begynder at køre på vores klientfabrik i Tyrkiet!!! Kunden bestiller maskinen til at pakke 100 gram tørgær i en murstensvakuumpose. Vi havde tilbudt ZL100V2 ...
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